# $Id: heapsort.pl,v 1.2 2003/12/30 01:21:23 davidw Exp $
# http://www.bagley.org/~doug/shootout/
# Matt Harris suggested passing the array via typeglob
use strict;
use constant IM => 139968;
use constant IA => 3877;
use constant IC => 29573;
use vars qw(@ra);
my $LAST = 42;
sub gen_random { ($_[0] * ($LAST = ($LAST * IA + IC) % IM)) / IM }
sub heapsort ($\@) {
my $n = shift;
# use typeglob ra to refer to array.
local *ra = shift;
my($rra, $i, $j);
my $l = ($n >> 1) + 1;
my $ir = $n;
while (1) {
if ($l > 1) {
$rra = $ra[--$l];
} else {
$rra = $ra[$ir];
$ra[$ir] = $ra[1];
if (--$ir == 1) {
$ra[1] = $rra;
$i = $l;
$j = $l << 1;
while ($j <= $ir) {
$j++ if (($j < $ir) && ($ra[$j] < $ra[$j+1]));
if ($rra < $ra[$j]) {
$ra[$i] = $ra[$j];
$j += ($i = $j);
} else {
$j = $ir + 1;
$ra[$i] = $rra;
my $N = $ARGV[0];
$N = 1 if ($N < 1);
# create an array of N random doubles
my @ary = ();
for (my $i=1; $i<=$N; $i++) {
$ary[$i] = gen_random(1.0);
heapsort($N, @ary);
printf("%.10f\n", $ary[-1]);